Pinboard Moderation This method can bei applied during online meetings.

Development, collection, visualization, organization and evaluation of ideas in a team.

Pinboard moderation | image by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

Tasks of the moderator: 

Clarification of the mission and the objectives of the moderation, creation of the dramaturgy, organizational preparation of the session, introduction to the topic, control of the discussion process, clarification of blurry contributions, responsibility for the visualization and documentation of the results. 

Work with the team. 

Collect Questions: Questions or problems are collected on a topic. This opens up the greater breadth and depth of the topic from the point of view of all participants.

Working out solutions: Tasks are planned and responsibilities defined for tasks.

Produce ideas: Ideas are written on cards. The more cards the better.

Exchange opinions: Thoughts, opinions, aspects are collected for a question. This makes the views of all participants visible to all.
Pinboard (any type of board), pens, pin needles, index cards

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